Tuesday, December 14, 2010

strange things happen in LOVE... i know that... but those r happening with me... i am rhyming her name every movement... i am dreaming her picture every second... 
Such a nice name she got...
people feel like passing through blossoms listening her name.....
Such a charming face she got...
i can look at her face and a life time will be passing away in a bit.....
Such a beautiful words she talks...
feeling of flying in the sky along with the clouds....
Such a glorious walk she got....
like flowers and buddies are following her everyday in the morning.....
beauty looks at her and feel Julous.......

Friday, December 10, 2010

People say, Love and Death are the same... one takes the heart from us as other takes its beat...
but i experienced both at a time in LOVE...
How come...
I m experiencing her in every breath i take and every move i make...
i just wanted avoiding her thoughts and her memories...
but impossible... quite impossible...
I just came to know why people say LOVE IS A PAIN... which doesn't have any drug except an equal and opposite reaction...

Friday, November 19, 2010

I never love any girl.. recently i felt in crush with my classmate.. but i know shez already in love with somebody else... what should i do...
by this experience i came to know being in love LOVE with somebody is a sweet pain.. Pch...